Jonathan Ross Holography Collection

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25 x 20cm

Reflection hologram on glass

Provenance: Olav Skipnes Collection

Line Addition is from a series of three works produced during the early 1980's

I had returned from a Fulbright Scholarship at the Museum of Holography, New York, where I learnt the practical aspects of holography from Dan Schweitzer and Sam Moree. Although I wanted to continue making holograms, I did not have a lab of my own, so formed a collaboration with Light Fantastic Ltd, which, at the time, had a gallery in London’s Covent Garden.

We agreed that I would design a number of holograms, make the models required and specify layouts and lighting. Light Fantastic would then make the pieces as unlimited editions on glass and market them through their London Gallery. ‘Line Addition’ was the first in this collaboration and developed directly from ‘Random Cube Rotation’, an earlier work with animated and projected light which had been part of my MA Exhibition and had also been shown at the ICA, London. The aim of the holographic version was to ‘capture’ the graphic and kinetic nature of the original sculpture, but on the flat surface of the holographic plate.My relationship with Light Fantastic was much like a printmaker’s relationship would be with a printer. A ‘proof’ hologram was made by Light Fantastic at their Shepshed production facility, adjustments to the set-up would be suggested and further ‘proofs’ produced until the desired effect was achieved. The approved hologram would then be editioned and sold via the London Gallery.

Andrew Pepper

More about the 'Addition' series by selecting "Pepper - Plus" from the menu on the right.


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