In 1993 Jonathan Ross helped Matthew Andrews produce an educational video
It was originally distributed as a VHS video to schools, colleges and holography enthusiasts.
The world moved on - the Internet emerged and the original footage has now been digitised and is available, free of charge, online.
We have always included a "Resources" section on the site as a location for extra hologaphy related information,
We have nowe updated that with a dedicated Video section. Here you will find a link to the HoloJay YouTube Channel which contains short videos from the collection to give you an idea of how some of the work appears when viewed from a variety of angles.
Many videos have also been included into catalogue pages to compliment the still images we normally use to document works.
We have just added almost 50 new images of work to various sections of the site.
All of these are either larger versions, which are used as the main item image (at the top of each page), or extra images to illustrate multiple views of holograms in the collection.
We hope these enhanced images make your use of the site that bit more valuable.
A new acquisition from artist Julius Schmiedel has just been added to the site.
"200 Frames” is made up of 200 images of a picture frame, in which a firework ignights.
Go to Julius Schmiedel
Holographic art by John Kaufman - 2D video by Al Razutis
28 x 33cm
White light transmission holographic stereogram
2001 (detail)
4 plates 6.5" x 8"
White light transmission hologram
11” x 14”
Laser transmission hologram
Silver halide on glass Gift of the artist